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I’m Doug and welcome to the new website/blog. Let’s begin with a little bit about myself. 

I recently retired after a long career in the Sporting Goods Business in Canada.  To work 30+ years with one company is a long time and I’m probably considered a dinosaur. But, I still feel young and want to continue to act young. 


It was a wonderful experience, meeting great people, traveling & most importantly feeling I was making a difference in the lives of people. 


My personal passions and interests are staying fit, spending time with the family, asking questions, playing tennis and experiencing the great things that Toronto has to offer. 

You may see many images and or stories of pizza and red wine. I guess I forgot to include those as some of the things that I’m interested in. So, enjoy my musings, pass them on, like them and feel free to reach out to me anytime.
