Sweat & Tonic Review
Sweat and Tonic - Front - Image from Blog To
A few months back I had heard about this new “fitness” club and it sounded very interesting. One of my favourite websites https://www.blogto.com/fitness/sweat-and-tonic-toronto/ had done a thorough review. Since I do have time (that’s another story), I decided to check it out. It’s located across from the Eaton Centre at the north-west corner of Yonge and Shuter. The concept is simple - you buy credits and you can use them to take the various classes they offer. Don’t expect to see weights or some of the normal fitness machines you might see or expect at some clubs. The classes are based around three types of exercise concepts - Spin, Hiit and Yoga. The types of classes differ in length and difficulty. They have different levels of memberships and just recently they changed their system so that you could buy a what I call a regular membership. Prior to this you could only buy credits - of course the more credits you buy the price does go down. You can buy the unlimited monthly membership for $275 per month while an individual credit is $27 per class and course they have many other options. So, if you do at least 20 classes per month your cost is $13.75 per class. Like all clubs if you don’t use them then you’re simply donating the money.
The front of the club has a Nutbar location https://nutbar.co/ where you can get all types of smoothies, coffee and generally things that are good for you.
I did not do a full tour of the club but I did take a look at the HIIT studio and those classes seem very interesting and I think I will try one of those in the near future.
I had taken the plunge and purchased three classes as part of an introductory offer. - $45 for 3 classes. So, I figured it was time for me to actually take a class. One thing that has created some “urgency” is I’ve been banned from my the club - The Toronto Lawn for 7 days due the Covid 19 virus that is impacting everyone in all parts of the world. I have not traveled anywhere but my wife just came back from Florida so anyone and immediate family who has left Ontario are being asked to not come to the club for 7 days.
So, with my ability to use the gym in flux, I figured it was time to use one of my credits so I went online and decided to try a Spin class and booked the 1:15 class. It was not a long class (30 minutes) and it wasn’t overly difficult but it was enjoyable, the instructor was fun and easy to follow. The bikes they use are Techno gym bikes and are fairly easy to understand. They do supply shoes and the only problem I encountered was I found that the clip in was a bit tight -and I found it difficult to unclip. The 30 minutes went quickly and I burned 228 calories with an average heart rate of 109 and a high of 132. I guess I could have worked a bit harder :)
The locker rooms are very clean and functional and they have nice showers with all of the things you need - towels, cleaning supplies etc. Overall, I give it 4 stars out of 5 - it’s hard to get 5 stars from me. I still have 2 credits to use so I probably will try the Hiit classes next - no yoga for me. So, thanks for reading and see you soon.