I Think I'm Going Mad
Ramsden Park (Closed Tennis)
At the time of this writing we’ve been locked down for 27 years or at least it feels like that. Our provincial government keeps extending the ban on everything. There are a significant number of people who are upset that recreation activities are shut down - which includes tennis courts, golf courses, basketball courts etc. The science seems to indicate that the government is not correct on this one and that being outdoors and playing sports has a very low risk of spreading COVID 19, against the issue of being indoors not withstanding the concern on the mental health of people. People of all ages but especially young and old have been impacted in a terrible way. To not be able to see their friends or family has had severe impacts on their well-being.
Supposedly the Premier made the decision on banning golf from listening to his friends who said “its not the playing of golf that is the issue - it’s getting together for a few “pop’s” what will be the problem. Seriously? That’s how they make decisions?
You have to wonder how they come up with their theories? I can imagine for many people who hear the word “golf” or “tennis” they assume we are talking about a bunch of rich, silver spoon people hanging out at the private clubs. The truth is the majority of participants are simply the average joe who is tired of being locked up for so long and wants to get out and get some exercise.
People have short memories
We are all mad!
So, it’s truly a cuckoo nest here these days. I just read an announcement from the government that they MAY open recreational activities before the lockdown ends, but let’s wait and see! I rode my bike over to a local park the other day and all of the public tennis courts were busy with lots of “civil disobedience” taking place. I stopped to talk to a few people and they said they play everyday. Sometimes the police stop by and kick them off but generally they have no issues.
On a positive note case numbers have been coming down and the percentage of people getting their first jab has increased.
Tennis in the streets
This is probably a good time to change topics - so below is a creative image of Miss Ellie, who is the newest edition to the household. Coming in a whopping 3 1/2 pounds she has created quite a stir in the neighbourhood. She is definitely a chick magnet. Questions come at us….how old is she, what type of dog is she etc…etc…. Her personality is emerging every day - she is quite feisty but she gives unconditional love and she loves to interact with other dog’s that wonder by our outside area.
It’s been 2 years since we had our last dog and I’m not sure I wanted to go through it again. They bring you great joy, love and companionship but when they leave it’s heartbreaking. But we did jump back in and Miss Ellie has been great. She has sleeping through the night and is going to the door when she needs to go out. Miss Sarah is much happier and Sheila, who does the majority of the work had adopted her.
Speaking of vaccines what a cluster your know what. (I guess we wern’t speaking of them) Because our country doesn’t have domestic production we are at the mercy of the open market. We started way behind other major countries and it’s only just recently that our vaccination rate has improved and we are now in the top 3 of the G7 countries. The CDN government decided to spread out the doses so not a lot of people have had two jabs. The latest controversy is the use of Astrazeneca has not been banned for 1st dose recipients. What does that mean to the millions of people who did get their first dose with that vaccine? Medical experts suggested that you should always get the first dose available and with supplies of the approved choices being quite inconsistent many people lept to the chance of getting Astra……including myself. I lined up at 6 am at a local drug store and take a chance that they would be able to give me the first jab. They didn’t give me a 2nd appointment so I’m not in the position of having no idea what is the next step? The government supposedly has 650,000 doses of Astra here but they have not indicated yet what they plan on doing with them? Hopefully they make up their mind very soon.
Miss Sarah
So, that’s it for now. Sorry for the late posting.