All in Musings

A Year In Review - Part 1

Yes, I can well imagine that probably no one cares about anyone’s recap.  As 2024 came to a close the media, especially old style print would provide all kinds of the “best of” in various categories.  The best movies, TV show, theatre, books etc…etc.  I wouldn’t look at all of them but when I did I usually would realize that I had actually not seen or read many of the best of the best.  The Toronto Star listed the following movies as the best of 2024.

And Just Like That - "The Best Lasagna in Toronto?"

If you type in a search bar the best lasagna in Toronto you get a list of places and on this list and taking the number 1 spot is Porzia's

So, as you would surmise the bar is now raised pretty high. I wasn’t completely sure where it was? I had been riding my bike to play pickleball this fall and I would often take a detour and ride on Oakwood to look for it and for the life of me, I simply couldn’t find it. Eventually, I did locate it. Its a very, small drive by and miss it type of place.

Summer Is Officially Over

My list of places included Mayfair, Glendon College,Fairgrounds and a new place called the Jar. I have to be more selective because I don’t have a car for the winter so getting to places that are far away is simply not an option. I thought Mayfair would be a good choice because they have made physical changes to their clubs by replacing tennis courts with new pickleball courts.

The Best Steak/Frites in Toronto?

It got me thinking about who makes the best steak/frites in Toronto.  

For some those would be considered fighting words while for others it’s simply a great opportunity to clog your arteries with red wine and delicious steak and frites. 

As a bit of historical reference my baseline or comparison is the chain of restaurants in Paris called “ Le Relais de l’Entrecote.”  A legendary stopping point for both locals and tourists while visiting Paris.  I was taken there over 25 years ago by some colleagues at Wilson to the location just off the Champs Élysées.  For whatever reason, I still remember the street name - 15 Rue Marbeuf,  How could you go wrong - steak and frites.  What a simple but wonderful combination. 

Never Enough Coffee!

I guess it’s fair to say, I may have veered off the wagon. No….nothing to do with drinking too much - lets save that for another day. I am talking about staying current with blog posts. Can’t give you any good reasons, so I won’t try. But, I’m back.

Pizzeria Badiali Review

If you do an internet search for the best pizza in Toronto, one place that is appearing on almost recent lists is - Pizzeria Badiali. I had first read about this place over a year ago and it has been on my list to get there, but alas had never found the right opportunity to make a pilgrimage to it - till recently. As the cool weather has come on too quickly, my opportunities to get out on my e-bicycle are becoming less and less. So, I try to make the most of them when the sun is out. Recently, I was riding out in the west-end of Toronto and I thought I was fairly close. I did a quick check on my phone and I could see it wasn’t very far away.

Danny's Pizza Kitchen - Homage to the Mid-West

I have a couple of go-to websites that I look at daily and they are BLOG TO and the other is TORONTO LIFE. Like all forms of social media you have to make your own judgments, however what I look for is articles on new types of food/restaurants, real estate and events happening in the city. I recently read one about a new restaurant on College Street called “Danny’s Pizza Kitchen.

The Serena Show

This seems to happen to me every year. Usually around one month prior to the Grand Slams, I start to think - maybe, I should go! Now, this doesn’t happen for Australia (too far), but usually it does just before Roland Garros (Paris) and just before Wimbledon (London). And typically, I think and think and don’t actually ending up going.

Can You Truly Hide?

I guess it’s inevitable. After over two years of running, staying out of sight, masking and hiding from the world it does and it will likely catch up to you. Of course the first thing you do is ask yourself how and where did you get it? After a couple of years of this you realize that is a complete waste of time because it’s impossible to narrow the search down….especially in today’s world.

Goodbye Saddlebrook Road

After over ten years of ownership we recently decided to sell our condo at Saddlebrook in Florida. It’s been a long time coming and coming to this final decision was hard but also easy. So, how about let’s start at the very beginning.

Now What?

Yes…now what? I have been wanting to write this post for a long time, but up to now I have resisted. Not sure exactly why? I guess I don’t want it to sound too maudlin, and full of self pity and I’m pretty sure that it does and will…, at the risk of that here goes.

The World Continues to Go Crazy!

War has broken out in Ukraine and there is a real danger that this could escalate to something even more serious than what it is at the moment. The game of geo-politics is at play with most democratic societies unwilling to enter into a much bigger and more dangerous war with Russia.

Rambling On About January 2022

If your a follower of tennis you couldn’t help notice that there was more excitement prior to the tournament then possibly during the ongoing Australian Open. The top player in the world was front and centre in a stupid, silly legal battle to play in Australia. Basically the rules to enter the country were very straightforward….you need to have proof of a double vaccination.

2022 Has To Be Better? Or Does it?

Another year has come and gone….thank god! What a crazy two years. It was 2 years ago that I ended my 30+ years at Wilson. It was 2 years ago that we first started to hear rumours about a new virus that was coming out of China and it was 1 year ago that Ms. Sheila was out walking a neighbours dog near the condo and in a flash she went down on a patch of ice. No big deal right? I later found out she crawled home and I could hear her crying out from downstairs. Off to the hospital we went and a broken something or other was the result. The first few months she had to work from home and because of her lack of mobility she was stuck upstairs. Nurse Doug had to step up and take on more responsibility. Our bedroom became her office and she managed to keep working for many months from upstairs. It has been a long rehab and unfortunately, she could not play any tennis this year. She still walks with a bit of a limb but here’s hoping that maybe in the spring she can try to hit the yellow ball.

When I'm 64

Well….it’s official, I’m old. The picture above was taken recently and I didn’t post it on social media -well……because, I think I look old. I imagine we all have some sort of image in our mind that we are still 25 years old and no doubt, there are times when I still feel I can run as fast as I used to, but I took a look at this picture and realized - I’m getting old.

I Think I'm Going Mad

At the time of this writing we’ve now been locked down for 27 years or at least it feels like that. Our provincial government keeps extending the ban on everything. There are a significant number of people who are upset that recreation activities are shut down - which includes tennis courts, golf courses, basketball courts etc. The science seems to indicate that the government is not correct on this one and that being outdoors and playing sports has a very low risk of spreading COVID 19, against the issue of being indoors not withstanding the concern on the mental health of people.