All in Food

Harvard Here I Come?

With the afternoon open we grabbed a train and headed towards Harvard. There was a tour starting at 2 pm and signed up when we go there. We waited….and we waited and unfortunately we were told that the tour guide (who is a student) was going to make it due to mid-term exams. But, the good news is another guide would be there for a 3 pm tour and we were welcome to take that one. I would say that the Harvard Tour for me was the highlight of the trip.

Pizzeria Badiali Review

If you do an internet search for the best pizza in Toronto, one place that is appearing on almost recent lists is - Pizzeria Badiali. I had first read about this place over a year ago and it has been on my list to get there, but alas had never found the right opportunity to make a pilgrimage to it - till recently. As the cool weather has come on too quickly, my opportunities to get out on my e-bicycle are becoming less and less. So, I try to make the most of them when the sun is out. Recently, I was riding out in the west-end of Toronto and I thought I was fairly close. I did a quick check on my phone and I could see it wasn’t very far away.

Rambling On About January 2022

If your a follower of tennis you couldn’t help notice that there was more excitement prior to the tournament then possibly during the ongoing Australian Open. The top player in the world was front and centre in a stupid, silly legal battle to play in Australia. Basically the rules to enter the country were very straightforward….you need to have proof of a double vaccination.

2022 Has To Be Better? Or Does it?

Another year has come and gone….thank god! What a crazy two years. It was 2 years ago that I ended my 30+ years at Wilson. It was 2 years ago that we first started to hear rumours about a new virus that was coming out of China and it was 1 year ago that Ms. Sheila was out walking a neighbours dog near the condo and in a flash she went down on a patch of ice. No big deal right? I later found out she crawled home and I could hear her crying out from downstairs. Off to the hospital we went and a broken something or other was the result. The first few months she had to work from home and because of her lack of mobility she was stuck upstairs. Nurse Doug had to step up and take on more responsibility. Our bedroom became her office and she managed to keep working for many months from upstairs. It has been a long rehab and unfortunately, she could not play any tennis this year. She still walks with a bit of a limb but here’s hoping that maybe in the spring she can try to hit the yellow ball.

Looking In The Rearview Mirror (Part 1)

I’m not sure I can add anything profound or new to the discussion about 2020. I think history will do it for us. I’m confident that none us had this figured out when we first learned about Covid 19. Someone who I play tennis with and who I think is very, very smart - told me “ this thing will go away as soon as the warm weather comes in.” Well, that certainly didn’t happen.

Time To Catch Up

Wow…it’s been quite awhile since I’ve either had the time or realistically the inclincation to sit down and write something. Frankly, I guess I have not felt very motivated to do so. I guess you could call it Covid 19 fatigue. Anyways, so how are things?

We are in the 2nd week (I think) of the mandated City lockdown which second serious lockdown we’ve seen here since the beginning of this pandemic. We had a pretty good summer and it certainly looked like things were getting better. But if you followed what was going in other parts of the world what we are seeing here is not surprising. I guess they called it the 2nd wave.

Eataly Toronto - A Review

So what is Eataly? According to their website the first location opened in Torino Italy on January 27, 2007, by its creator Oscar Farinetti with the idea that it be much more than a store. He wanted to create a school, a market, a table to gather around, a place to learn about food and, through food, about life. Sounds quite noble. There are now 40 locations across the world.