Sixty Days and Counting and the Gang is Okay
I wish I could tell you those feet in the picture is a recent image! But I can’t. I’m sure many people may be thinking that I’ve disappeared - fallen off the earth.
Some days it feels like that.
It’s been around 60 days since I gave the keys back to the office. It’s definitely been a very interesting time/change after working for one company for 30+ years. I find there is an awkward pause (at least for me) when I tell people what I’m not doing. More often than not people will say “congratulations” and I smile and typically give back a polite nod.
Why are they offering their congratulations? What am I missing? Do they hate their job and can’t wait to get out?
I wonder what they mean and how should I take it? Well, I take it very well and I can tell you that each day is a bit different.
Some days are great and some days seem a bit off. I’m not depressed or feeling sorry for myself. And, I certainly don’t miss the constant pressure about sales targets, budgets etc. What you do miss is the people (most of them).
You also find yourself without a routine - which I fully understand is quite normal and the fact that January/February are not great months to go outside doesn’t make it any easier.
I must admit that I was very lucky because I think that people don’t often get to work in an area that is part of their roots. I have had the opportunity to travel the world, see some great sporting events and meet some wonderful people. I would tell the younger folk don’t ever take it for granted - make sure you pinch yourself because you get to go to some great places, eat in fantastic restaurants and even get paid and one day it will all end. So enjoy it while it lasts.
Hanging with Sir Andy
I’ve lost track of all of the places I’ve been to. I am pretty sure that I’ve been to Chicago at least 200 times, China 25 times and three of the four Grand Slam tennis events. At some of our meetings we were fortunate to have a very special guest.
Always a thrill to meet RF
I’m doing a few “small” projects that I will go into in another blog and they are great and look very promising but at the same time they don’t provide a routine quite yet.
I won’t lie - there are times when it really sucks. You go from 100 miles an hour to barely walking. Your emails drop from 100 per day to 3 and the three are for ads for something you don’t need.
You have to continue to work to reach out to people because it doesn’t take much for people to completely forget you - or so, it seems.
And of course there always is the concern about money - do you have enough to retire? Well, you don’t really know till it happens and so far so good - I think.
This blog is part of the plan as I wanted to create something that was for me and I want to keep my mind active and current.
Some tell me I should travel - go south. Frankly, I do not relish the idea of getting on a plane and why would I? I traveled a lot sometimes as much as 3-4 months out of a year and that’s time you don’t get back. The weekends in different time zones eating strange food - sounds so glamorous but trust me, at times it’s not a lot of fun.
So, there you have it. My problems are not third world problems. The coffee machine still works and I will have the cleanest condo in Toronto. Thanks for listening and speak soon.