What A Few Weeks!
It’s been bad enough that we’re still living in a Covid 19 world, but what has been taking place with all the violence and shootings has made the world extra crazy. Recently in the USA, there has been a rash of shootings of black Americans by police. Every death by shooting is terrible but one recently set off a world wide explosion of riots and protests. From London to Toronto, people of all different persuasions came together to express their concerns and demand change.
On the surface it certainly seem that there has to be a better way to handle these situations and even here in Toronto there was a shooting of a mentally disturbed 62 year old person just the other day. It’s often hard to understand how all of this happens as we often don’t know the details or have all the facts.
I’ve tried to read as much as can about what has been going on and how these killings has created an upswell in reaction by people of all types. As a 63 year old white person of middle class means, it’s hard for me to know what I can do to help. My sense is the first step is to learn how to listen to the challenges that people who may be different than me face - probably every day. The expression “walk in my shoes” rings especially true because I don’t think most people like me, or my friends can truly understand what it must feel like. I hope that I can begin to do whatever I can, to help bring change for people of other backgrounds, to ensure that everyone feels safe, and that maybe one day we can live in a world that is colour and gender neutral.
This has been a big week here for everyone who is waiting for some relaxations regarding Covid 19. We are about to enter Phase 2 here in Toronto, so that means less restrictions including the ability to finally get a “haircut”. I think it will be quite busy because people have been cooped up for a long time. It does worry me that some people will take this a sign that we can relax and lower our guard. I have so many masks and there is no excuse to not have one when you go out.
I wrote a few weeks ago that I am taking a course in Digital Marketing at George Brown College. I don’t post that much on social media and things that have happened in the last few weeks has made me wonder about some of the dangers that social media can provide. Don’t get me wrong - as I think there are some great benefits with social media - you can share with friends and you can quickly gain a lot of needed information.
Not trying to excuse what is no doubt bad choices, but recently people have been “outed” for things that they have done or said, not just recently but happened often decades ago. The talk show host/comedian Jimmy Kimmel was called out for something he did a long time ago (that doesn’t excuse it). He has apologized, but the trolling on social media was all over the place - some applauded him for coming forward and admitting his mistake while others used the forum to denigrate him.
Another more recent example took place here in Toronto which became a very public fight. It took place between a well know television/media personality and a social influencer - with the outcome being that the television/media personality was let go from a number of positions. Again, I am not excusing what is clearly bad behaviour. I have seen situations where people will make what would seem to be a positive statement on social media and they get attacked, and of course if they say something that is a bit controversial they will no doubt get critized by legions of nameless people. The ability to attack people vs. having an educated discussion seems to have been lost. Not sure what the answer is?
Let’s try to move off the heavy topics now. I recently just bought an e-bike!! I know, it’s not about need it’s only about want. I am completly blown away on how easy it is to ride these bikes. So much - that it doesn’t seem like I am riding a bike. It is very quick off the mark which is great when your at a red light. I have even turned the settings lower (power assist) to try to slow the bike down. As a personal form of transportation, it is quite enjoyable - but its difficult to consider it as true exercise. We recently ventured down to our old neighbourhood “the beaches” and the image on the top right features the wonderful boardwalk.
So - what else has been going on. I’m helping out a good friend a few days or so with her retail store - The Merchant of Tennis. I have known the owner for 30 plus years and we worked closely together over that time to help each other prosper and it was always one of my favourite tennis retailers. The shopping experience at the moment is not “normal” as we have to restrict the number of people in the store and I obviously don’t know their systems etc, but it’s fun and I hope that I am helping them. It also gets me out of the house - which according to my wife is a plus.
Another project that I am working on is a new exciting tennis product called “Slinger.” Its a portable tennis ball machine that you can keep in your car and bring it on to the court when you can’t find anyone to play with and it’s affordable. I don’t want to say much now - will add a longer post later but we are hoping to be able to deliver sometime late July in Canada. Anyways with Covid 19, this was put on the back burner.
I told some friends the other day that I don’t think about work anymore. It has taken a long time or what would seem a long time to get to this point. Important details are fading as you would suspect they would and I think I am sleeping better. You begin to stop looking at your phone for those crazy emails. It’s nice to not have people mad at you all the time. I miss some of the friendships and you do realize that its a bit sad that your knowledge is no longer needed or wanted. So…you move on and start to enjoy other things.
Morning coffee
End of Day glass of wine
My day has become bookends. I start in the morning with a nice latte outside and I end the day, as I am now with a glass of wine. It’s not so bad.