Hey! I’m Doug,

Tennis, Pickleball, Pizza, Red Wine and friends these are a few of my favourite things. Welcome to my small space on the internet. Come stay a while.

To Mask or Not To Mask?

To Mask or Not To Mask?

As we continue to try to “flatten” the curve there seems to be a contrast in different parts of the world on the need to wear a mask. Governments seem to vacillate between taking charge and making policy vs. downloading it to the local government. Here in Canada, we are in different stages or phases of recoverey that varies by province and within regions in the province. My hometown of Toronto continues to be in Stage 2 while much of the province is entering Stage 3.


I am a bit bemused by all of the protests here and in the United States regarding being told you have to wear a mask. Apparently, its a your god-given right to do what ever you want to do and not listen to common sense. I have not been someone who believes in the rights of individuals vs collective rights and thus if people who are a lot smarter than me think we should wear a mask, then I’m going to put a mask on.

When you go anywhere indoors now you must wear a mask and its become one of the steps you have to check off before you go out. Do I have my keys, wallet, phone - and mask? Check!

I don’t think I’ve met anyone who likes to wear a mask - so I fully understand why people may not want to wear one. It’s hard to hear people, it’s hot underneath - BUT - if it can help us get back to the place and time we want to get to then I’m in 100%.


I have been helping a friend with a retail business a few days a week and you have to wear a mask and it’s not easy. The mask can’t get hot and when you factor in wearing your reading glasses it can be challenging to function properly.

Of course as you would expect there have been cottage industries that have popped up all over the Internet selling masks with different logos. Are you looking for your favorite sports team? Well, I’m pretty sure there is a mask for that. We’ve been buying masks at a place on Bloor Street called “The Poop Cafe” - yep, thats what it’s called. I’m thinking that they did a complete pivot away from the cafe business and now you can buy masks of all types for $5.00. Who knows….they might be making more money now then what they were making before?


I must admit that I’m a a bit concerned about what things will look like when the warm weather passes. At the moment we can go outside and enjoy the warm sunshine, ride a bike, go for a walk or have a glass of wine on a patio. But what about October onwards? I am assuming we will be wearing masks indoors however if we see spikes in the virus will we go back to a lockdown phase and can the economy handle this? We are wondering what the school system will look like especially as our daughter gets ready for her final year in high school. Will she be back to online, a hybrid approach or the normal classroom setting? At this point it’s too early to tell.

Anyways, we are managing to muddle through this and let’s hope that we can see small wins every week. That’s it for now….a short post.

Travel In These Strange Times !

Travel In These Strange Times !

What A Few Weeks!

What A Few Weeks!