Hey! I’m Doug,

Tennis, Pickleball, Pizza, Red Wine and friends these are a few of my favourite things. Welcome to my small space on the internet. Come stay a while.

The Man of Many Masks!

The Man of Many Masks!


Sorry, sorry, sorry….it’s been awhile since the last post and that was never my intention. I can’t honestly tell you that I’ve been too busy :). Frankly, I have not felt that inspired to write anything. I guess you could call it writers block although, I not really a writer.

So - did you know we have a Pandemic? Its been 8 weeks and counting and everyone’s life is upside/down. It’s hard to imagine that someone actually has given you a hall pass to simply do nothing but sit on the couch and watch Netflix and best of all, its okay to do so!

I sense that I’m encountering three groups of people when I venture outside. The first group is borderline paranoia - cutting back most, if not all contact with the outside world and claiming that till there is a vaccine they are not going anywhere. (You actually don’t see these people). At the complete opposite extreme is the group who has a devil may care attitude and you can see these people when you go to the LCBO or the local grocery store. They refuse to wear a mask and walk around like there is nothing going on. I sometimes visit a local upscale grocery store for the well-heeled (present company excluded) and there is a good chance you will encounter someone who don’t quite leave their sense of privilege in the parking lot. They line up right behind you without a mask and ignore the markings on the ground to stay two metres apart.

And finally you have the middle group who are realistic and take the proper precautions - wear a mask, wash your hands and get off the sidewalk when you see someone coming - geez, it’s not that complicated.

So what else? I don’t know about you but we’ve certainly been eating more and drinking more than usual. With the restaurants being closed (limited takeout options), we’ve been cooking in more than usual.

It was a good year…..

It was a good year…..

Take out from Buca

Take out from Buca

I have a few “old” bottles of wine that I’ve been holding onto for probably too long and slowly, I have been pulling them out and the one on the left is a 1991 Cabernet that I hand carried back from Napa in the mid 90’s. It was good but my recollection is that it tasted better when I was sitting at the winery surrounded by vines and fields of grapes.

We’ve done a little bit of takeout (not much) and the image in the upper right are pizza’s that I ordered from Buca. They give you a few options - cooked or frozen and I choose the frozen and popped them in the oven and above is what you get. They were quite tasty.

I have a few various topics that I plan on writing about in the near future and hopefully I’ll get to them shortly. The Globe and Mail this past weekend wrote about 46 ways Covid 19 will change the world and I’ll take a shot at a few of them that I find interesting to me.


The pundits who run this city “finally” did something about the crowded streets and so this past weekend they closed down a number of roads. We took our bicycles out and we were able to ride along the Lakeshore for quite a distance. I thought I would get a bit artsy with the photo.

Every night I go for a walk and sometimes it gets a bit repetitive, so in order to change it up, I took the subway from Dupont to Queens Park and walked back. The picture on the upper right is a Friday night at 7 pm rush hour! Completely empty! You don’t see that very often.


And on other news. I have decided to take an online course at George Brown and we have just started the summer term. So far it seems interesting, the people are cool and I’ve got something else to do during the day. I’ll keep you posted how its going.

We’ve basically entered Phase 1 of the recovery here in Toronto with stores slowly opening, golf courses have the green light and my tennis club opened today (yeah)! Lot’s of restrictions in place and I don’t think we will be able to use the entire facility for quite a long time. No gym, pool, dining or simply hanging out it would seem. I remain somewhat optimistic that the entire summer won’t disappear.

The rest of the tribe are coping and the new normal is normal…so, that’s it for now. Nice and short!

Pandemic - Is it 10 Years In?

Pandemic - Is it 10 Years In?

Working From Home!

Working From Home!