Working From Home!
The Home Office
Since there is likely a very significant number of people working from somewhere else (home?) many have had to re-configure their working/home environment. Not so easy for some! The local coffee shop is not available!
And for some people who are either renting or new to home ownership they may be living in a smaller space so they may not have an extra room to use as an office. Or if there are two parents, both working from home where do they go? And if there are kids who have to study/go to school you have another potential challenge. Issues with space, computers and who is going to clean up after lunch?
Okay, there are worse challenges out there. Let’s get that out of the way.
I’ve been reading in the news-print (New York Times and the Internet), a number of articles - some of them more personal in nature (what it’s like to work from home) and some about what you need to do to have a “good working environment.
So, with that in mind, I thought I would keep it light and show you my world. When we viewed our condo for the first time (prior to purchase), it had been staged (no surprise there) and ironically we ended up purchasing some of the same furniture that we liked from the staging.
The current office setup is slightly different than what it was originally, but has some similarity to the original.
Your correct there is some more clutter but that’s because it’s a “lived in” house vs. a staged one. I’m fine with that.
As I’ve mentioned in other posts there are all kinds of things that are popping up on my phone and with a simple click of a button you can buy them. And it would seem that the types of items is rotating from week to week - last week, it was a lot of exercise equipment and this week, it’s things for your home office.
I thought the desk that you can attach to your window is an interesting idea - two problems though, I don’t really have a window that would make sense and it’s not cheap - starts at $235.
The ergonomic desk is also clever (I have something similar) - many people now have portable desks that either sit on top of your current desk or they may have a full desk that moves up and down with the idea that you shouldn’t be sitting for so long.
Window Desk Mount
Laptop Desk
The setup of my “workspace” had been gradual and it continues to evolve. I have a new computer that now sits on a laptop “holder” that can be raised and I do alternate between sitting and standing periodically. But let’s face it, the longest I’m sitting here is to write a blog.
I have the usual things you need- a printer (two), a second monitor (a must), the mouse pad, lamp, desk and chair. My chair is not that comfortable so I could see myself investing in a better chair at some point.
I recently added a coffee mug warmer (important) and a USB charger that sticks to your desk - so you can plug in multiple devices. (Critical)
Coffee Warmer
USB Desk Charger
Graduation U of T
U of T - Digital Marketing
The educational images are special to me (as I’m sure your own are). My reasoning may be odd - I didn’t start school in what would be considered the normal time period.
I began University when I was in my late twenties and only finished the first year and then life got in the way and I went back to the workforce.
It always bothered me that I had not finished, so I completed the last 10 credits part time over a lengthy period - but I did it.
The Certificate for Digital Marketing (U of T) was attained when I turned sixty. Clearly, I was not planning to use that in my career, but I did it because I wanted to understand how the business world was changing and I didn’t want to be left behind due to my age. I also do enjoy learning and even though I was often the oldest person in the class, I think I got a lot out of it.
Somewhere between finishing the University degree and the recent Digital Certificate, I had completed a certificate in Marketing from Ryerson.
Now with more time on my hands, I am seriously looking at George Brown College and taking some more courses in Social Media. Of course, like all educational institutions they are currently closed so they are offering them online.
The Girls
My Pals
And of course your office should have a personal touch, so I have hung a pictures of the “girls” and my long gone and terribly missed pals - Yogi and Daisy. You won’t find any pictures of pizza.
And for you non-believers, there was a time that I actually could play tennis! Finished #1 in Ontario in the year end rankings 0/50 for 2010! #hardtobelieve - #didnotcheat #itwasaneasyyear
I have also completed (barely), two Half Ironman races. One in Quebec and the image below is from a race in Michigan. Both of them were the hardest things I’ve ever done. I can hardly swim and my knees give out when I run. But I did it.
#1 in Ontario
Finishing LIne - Half Ironman - Michigan
My final image is of something that came to me recently and it means a lot to me. During my work career I managed a number of categories (sports) and for a few years, I looked after Team Sports (along with Golf and Racket Sports at the same time). The people in Team Sports were fantastic and I enjoyed every moment with them. They recently sent me this special football as a gift! Sometimes its the little things you remember the most. This year is the 100th anniversary of the NFL and Wilson produced a special ball for them. I would assume Tom Brady will not be throwing the one with my picture on it.
100th NFL
30+ Years with Wilson
So that’s it for today. Nothing complicated or earth shattering. We’re all good - hunkering down and waiting for the green light. Stay safe!