All in Musings

Slinger Bag - A Quick Look

What is it…….it’s really is a personal ball machine. You can carry in the car and wheel it up to the courts. It looks like a large travel tennis bag. It’s also rechargeable and it holds about 144 tennis balls. Of course there are a number of ways to alter the performance of the product including the speed, height and it can also be purchased with an oscillator that that will ensure you are running from side to side.

To Mask or Not To Mask?

As we continue to try to “flatten” the curve there seems to be a contracts in different parts of the on the need to wear a mask. Governments seem to vacillate between taking charge and making policy vs. downloading it the local government.

What A Few Weeks!

I told some friend the other day that I don’t think about work anymore. It has taken a long time or what would seem a long time to get to this point. Important details are fading as you would suspect hey would and I think I am sleeping better.

The Man of Many Masks!

Sorry, sorry, sorry….it’s been awhile since the last post and that was never my intention. I can’t honestly tell you that I’ve been too busy :). Frankly, I have not felt that inspired to write anything. I guess you could call it writers block although, I not really a writer.

Working From Home!

Since there is likely a very significant number of people working from somewhere else (home?) many have had to re-configure their working/home environment. Not so easy for some! The local coffee shop is not available!

And for some people who are either renting or new to home ownership they be living in a smaller space so they may not have an extra room to use as an office. Or if there are two parents, both working from home where do they go? And if there are kids who have to study/go to school you have another potential challenge. Issues with space, computers and who is going to clean up after lunch?

Have You Seen Any Good Movies Lately!

There are moments where I have lost track of how long we’ve all been cooped up. A good friend told me recently we’re entering our 5th week. I don’t know about you but I am losing track of all time. There are periods where I have no idea what day it is, and many of the days are blending together.

Every Day Seems to End with a "Y"

What day is it? My wife asked me earlier in the week to join an online web call for Ms Sarah’s school and so last night at the dinner table she asked “How was the call?”. And I told her that the call is scheduled for tomorrow - Friday. She politely reminded me that today was Friday. Oops. So, I guess I missed the call.

Is It Safe Yet?

Within the family dynamic it’s interesting to see the changes. I’ve had dinner with my daughter for 7 nights in a row and I simply can’t remember when that last happened.

The New Normal?

This post won’t tell you anything new or different? The reality is that the world we are living in is fluid and in constant flux. The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is here and every day we see more and more challenges in our personal life.

NY State of Mind

In the classic Billy Joel song the writer uses these poignant words “But I’m taking a greyhound on the Hudson river line, I’m in a New York state of mind. Every-time I hear those words, I am reminded of the wonderful visits I have had and usually around now, I clearly want to be in a “New York State of Mind.”


Yep, the Broadway hit musical Hamilton has finally arrived with over 50,000 tickets sold in the opening days according to the Toronto Star.  The planned run for the show is not that long - February 11 to May 17th and early reviews of the Toronto roadshow have been very positive.  Here’s what I loved about this one of a kind show!